16 October 2006


finally, after arguing with the New York Times every single week since we arrive in Las Cruces, we received our first copy of the sunday paper yesterday ! i think the eleventh phone call was the charm. we were in the death throes of paper withdrawal, and altho we surrendered the fantasy of having the daily paper when we moved, we were told, week after week, that the sunday paper could be delivered in our area. so when we actually got it...on the correct day, no less... we spent a large part of our sunday reading it cover to cover. in honor of cet occaision magnifique, here is a roundup of some of the better articles in the Times yesterday:

--the 80 mph speed limit in remote Western Texas, the highest speed limit in the country (just so happens we were driving those very freeways last weekend, on our way to Marfa) oh and speaking of Marfa, check out joe's blog for details, if you haven't already...
--a business story about why friendster tanked while myspace flourishes
--a nyt magazine article about how elephants are eerily similar to people
--an article about immigration at the arizona border and its effect on the upcoming election
--numerous commentaries/speculation about the election...dems are hopeful
--an article about the decline of marriage and the increase in unmarried couples living together (score one for non-marriage!)
--an article about japanese young people living in the east village (ahem, ben!)
--a look at the profession of art advisor
--a scathing review of the new johnathan franzen book
etc etc.

other news from this rather boring weekend: they opened a new indian restuarant in town, and it's loads better than the other one, so hurray for good paneer! we also watched 'midnight cowboy' which is hugely entertaining, and dustin hoffman is great as a homeless, seedy cripple---but he just wants to be loved . awww. also we did laundry and grocery shopped (earth shattering news, i know) had a few drinks friday night, and i volunteered at the museum on sat. morning.

i will be working sundays at the museum for the next month or so for a big egyptian show they've got going on. that in addition to my usual volunteering for sat. art classes. and of course we're itching to get hiking again. joe's got a hike planned to the tippy top of the highest mountain around...hopefully we'll get to it this weekend.

that's the news from bizarro lake wobegon, where every entree has chile and they think 60 is cold !

09 October 2006

marfa marfa marfa !

this weekend, we took a trip to the chinati foundation's open house in marfa, texas. i posted about a million photos of this trip. we had an amazing time, more description to follow...

the chinati museum in background:

in marfa:

chamberlain exhibit:

in the middle of nowhere:

05 October 2006

Q: what are we doing?

A: hotgluing googly eyes on plastic hippopotami
