26 February 2007

kilbourne hole

went on a hike yesterday to kilbourne hole, a maar volcanic crater about an hour southwest of here, in the middle of nowhere basically.


the crater doubled as a shooting range.


in fact, the only other person out there was an ATV enthusiast with a gun on his belt. however, he was kind enough to offer us water. even though he was sitting on his running 4-wheeler on the edge of a cliff wherein a nesting owl was perched. that was weird. snapped a few photos of the owl, but they didn't turn out too well. here is the cliff (sans gunman), with owlie somewhat visible in her hobble:


we took another one through our binoculars...it is posted on flikr. with many other photos of the hike.

this place is a bit of a geographic anomoly. click here for more info about kilbourne hole


in related news, a black widow spider decided to set up shop behind the tank of our toilet.

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