08 October 2008


inspired by howard i've got a new bloglook, at least for a moment. altho the flower photo above can't compete with his banner photo, i am a photoshop novice, what can i say?

i had resisted the blogger-supplied formatting for a long time, using cut n paste html, but i finally caved. it's still pretty haphazard (can't control the overall background color, for instance. or maybe i can and don't realize how??) anyway it's fun.

there is also a new flikr slideshow gadget on the sidebar of the blog...we'll see how that works. hopefully it doesn't crash anyone's computer. let me know if you have trouble seeing it.

in related news, joe got me a new gadget! you will see its debut right here on the blog after my trip to NYC this weekend! hooray!


Howard said...

Not sure what your code looks like, but there should be a CSS script that looks something like this:

body {
margin: 0;
text-align: center;
min-width: 760px;
background: #669933;
color: $textColor;
font-size: small;

Where you see background followed by # and a number, that is the hexadecimal code for the background color. You can do a google search of hexadecimal codes and plug in the one you want for the background. Hope that helps.

Raia said...
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Jeff said...

Well done, Molly and Howard. The two of you are inspiring me to update my look as well. My Photoshop skills are primitive, but I'll see what I can do...

molly said...

thanks jeff! i'm going to look into this howard. thanks for the hot tip. i just found that i can get into the code (thought maybe it's all hidden but that's not the case)